How to Prepare Batteries for Recycling

You can recycle your batteries at a local recycling center, but you also have the option of shipping them there as well. If this option interests you, this guide will walk you through the process of preparing your batteries the right way in order to ensure that they will be accepted when arriving at the recycling destination. These measures are taken in order to keep everyone involved in the transportation and recycling of the batteries safe. Be sure to check out our Battery Disposal Guide for disposal information on each individual battery type.
  • Separate your batteries by chemistry (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Li-Ion, Sealed Lead Acid, etc.)

  • Wrap each individual battery in bubble wrap. The bubble wrap will ensure that the batteries do not become damaged during transport as leaks could occur. It also keeps the contacts from touching other contacts as it could cause a short circuit.

  • Place each group of batteries in their own separate cardboard box.

  • Label the outside of each box: "FOR RECYCLING" and then label each box according to the chemistry of the batteries within.

  • Use packing-peanuts to ensure that the batteries will not move around inside the boxes while being transported.

  • Seal all the boxes with reinforced packing tape.

  • Ship out the boxes to the designated recycling service center.

Battery care and use instructions

  • Your new battery comes in a discharged condition and must be charged before use. Upon initial use (or after prolonged storage period) the battery may require two to three charge/discharge cycles before achieving maximum capacity.
  • When charging the battery for the first time your charging device may indicate that charging is complete after just 10 or 15 minutes. This is a normal phenomenon with rechargeable batteries. Simply remove the battery from the charging device and repeat the charging procedure.
  • It is important to condition (fully discharge and then fully charge) the battery every two to three weeks. Failure to do so may significantly shorten the battery's life (this does not apply to Li-Ion batteries, which do not require conditioning). To discharge, simply run your device under the battery's power until it shuts down or until you get a low battery warning. Then recharge the battery as instructed in your user's manual.
  • If the battery will not be in use for a month or longer, it is recommended that it be removed from the device and stored in a cool, dry, clean place.
  • It is normal for a battery to become warm during charging and discharging.
  • A charged battery will eventually lose its charge if unused. It may therefore be necessary to recharge the battery after a storage period.

How to maximize and battery performance?

It is recommended to condition (fully charge and discharge) tde new battery few times to allow it to reach its maximum rated capacity. Condition tde Ni-MH and Nicd battery at least once a montd. It will reduce tde memory effect. Use tde battery at least once a montd even it was kept in a dry and cool storage. Clean tde metal connector (tde contact to tde notebook, usually in color of gold or silver) by alcohol or Electronics Cleaner Degreaser. It will maintain tde good conductivity,which improves tde power conduction from battery to Notebook. Fully optimize tde Power Management features provided in system BIOS, and Operating System will also impove tde battery performance.Consult tde user's manual to fully understand tde usage of tdese features.

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